
Dec 10, 2019

E-Portfolio Usrah Budi 3 (CCUB 3621)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

May all of you are in a good health and high esteemed of iman.

Firstly, let me introduce myself.

My name is Fikratul Jahriyyah Binti Anuar and I am 22 years old. I was born in Hospital Besar Kangar, Kangar, Perlis and currently live in Kampung Raja, Besut, Terengganu. I am majoring in Malay for International Communication from Kulliyyah of Languages and Management, IIUM Pagoh. I am striving my best to gain great result in my study. I hope I can always make my parent happy with whatever I achieved and yeah, to more achievement from me in the future, go gooo!


This semester, I took Usrah Budi 3 (CCUB 3621). It is a compulsory course for IIUM students and it has 4 levels which are UB 1, UB 2, UB 3 and UB 4. I was assigned in Section 502 under a Naqibah named Farah Shahirah. We, the usrah mates called her as Kak Farah. Kak Farah is a very kind and sweet person. I like having her as my Naqibah as she understands her usrah mates very well. Plus, all of her sharings during usrah sessions are very interesting and kind of helpful whenever we are having some conflicts regarding our life especially our study.

There are several outcomes that I gained from this course. First of all, this course helps me to improve my communication skill. Why? Because whenever we are having our usrah session, our Naqibah will share a story regarding the topics from the outline and after that, she will ask us to share our opinion regarding the topics. As an introvert and someone who does not like to talk, I find it scary but at the same time, very helpful for me to voice out my opinion regarding something.

One of the assessment where we have to present about haq and batil. As for my group, we got haq and batil in terms of social.

After that, we have to do some quotes regarding our topic and present them to other students around Musolla
Next, this course also helps in term of leadership skill. One of the assessment is to run a program that will give benefit to the participants. Hence, me and my group did a program named "Sepetang Menggamit Memori". The objectives of the program was to help the students in relieving their stress after doing tons of works and assignments. Besides, we wanted them to reminiscing their childhood moment while having fun playing the games provided. There were games like UNO, Jutaria, Congkak and Lompat Tikus. All of the participants were having fun playing all the games and the committees felt very happy as the objectives of the program were achieved successfully. Furthermore, this program helps us to foster the value of cooperation among group members.

Some pictures during "Sepetang Menggamit Memori" program
In my opinion, this course helps the students in many ways and some of it are communication and leadership skills. In addition, I find this course is very helpful for students to release out their problems by sharing it to their Naqibah and seeking for advices from them.

It is a very great memory and experience for me to be in this section as all of my usrah mates are so kind and supportive to each other. I pray that all of us including our Naqibah will succeed in whatever we do and most importantly, always be in Allah's blessing.

I think that's all from me. Thank you 💓

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